When it comes to living, we’ve been taught to go with the herd in order to belong. Branding and creating a business is no different. If you take a look at influencers, beauty products, coaches and so many other businesses, you’ll start to see that they blend together and start looking the same. I’ve noticed different skincare lines look almost identical with their labels.

As you are starting your business, you tend to gravitate towards that really trendy logo, the really pretty fonts, and the colors that are being used everywhere. But why? Because we believe it works and if it works for them, it should work for me. 

But I know you’re more than just a pretty brand. You have substance to you. You have more to offer. And I wonder, are you and your business really in alignment with that cookie cutter, see-it-everywhere style of branding?

I created ‘The Energy Aligned Brand’ to help you get rid of that herd mentality and to create something different for yourself. To check in with who you are, who you’re meant to serve and bridge those two together to create a pathway for you to meet.

It’s about aligning your energy with the energy you’re attracting.

The Process



The Energy Aligned Brand is the process of breaking down what you think your brand should be and creating the brand meant for you and your business. It’s a discovery process of who you are, who you’re meant to serve, and connecting those pieces together to make sure that’s who you’re attracting to your products and services.



To me, creating a brand and building a website takes a lot more than just figuring out a great color scheme and font bundle. It’s about getting to the heart of who you are, why you do what you do, and who you want to work with. Because the truth of the matter is there is probably someone doing what you do, but sharing your uniqueness, your strengths, and your why is what will bring your clients and customers to you.



Through the coaching process we’ll get to the heart of your business. That’s where all the magic happens. You’ll get clarity about who you’re meant to serve, discover your why, uncover blocks around being seen and sharing your gifts with the world, and realize what your brand identity truly is (not something based off of a copy of someone else).

My Approach

Our 1 on 1 sessions are at the heart of this package. You get a tangible product with your brand & website design, but really, it’s about the energetic shifts that happen through our sessions.

My goal is to connect deeply with YOU, the creator of this business. You are at the heart and soul, and understanding who you are and why you started and why you are continuing your business is so important to me and to your brand. 


There’s an intuitive process that takes place as I get to know you and your business. I’m going to dig deep, I’m going to ask you to be vulnerable, and I’m going to make you a little uncomfortable at first in order to get to the juicy stuff.

I’m really good at asking the questions that will break you out of your shell. I create a safe environment for you to open up. And I help you open your heart and shift your energy around your business. 

It’s important for me to get you to this point and to a certain level of understanding and clarity within your business so that it leads to more possibilities, more clients, and the right clients for you that show up consistently. Then it’s a ripple effect where your clients tell the people who are like them about you and your business grows to heights you may not have even imagined!

The Details.


1 On 1 Sessions

This a 10-week process with 6 coaching sessions that focus on who you are, your why, who you’re meant to work with, and working through resistances around your identity, being seen, imposter syndrome, and anything else that comes up around building your brand and sharing your website.

Brand Identity

A clear focus for what your brand is and who it’s for. Includes a color scheme, fonts, logo, and brand board. I’ll create your brand identity board that includes a main logo, color palette, font pairing, and inspiration board based on our sessions together.


A 5-page Squarespace website with email, scheduling, social media, and other necessary integrations. As a proud Squarespace Circle member I am able to offer you a 20% discount off your first year of subscription and a free domain for the first year if you don’t already have one.


This basic package starts at $2,500 with add-ons available based on your needs.


Not looking for a website at this time?

No problem! I also have a 12-session package to focus solely on your brand and business, developing the same foundation in order to create a strategy and service design that works best for you and your clients. It has all the same components minus the website.

This 12-session package is $1,695.

Schedule a consultation so that we can both decide this is the best course of action for us.

Client Examples


Brittany B.

“You helped connect the dots between myself (my purpose for starting) back to my brand as so much noise had come in I had forgotten or was having a hard time coming back to. I also loved the alignment with astrology and your human design. 
You also are amazing at giving what I like to call bite size nuggets. You take something that seems daunting and then break it down so then it seems very realistic and manageable. You pointed out what I already had at my finger tips.
It was also definitely based on my skills and using what is already within or inside me, very much the message of what you need is already inside of you. You pull it out or help people see that for themselves. You are a star!!!”

Shelbye S.

Watch Shelbye’s testimonial.

“She has a way of digging down deeper and asking the right questions…so it’s very insightful and that was so helpful in not only my business but also my life.”

”I had clients reach out the day I posted my website!”

Angela C.

“Thank you for the tremendous gift you offer in the world. Your business, intuition, encouragement, tech know-how and love made it possible for me to finally show up in the world the way I desire.
You created the space for me to shine and be visible in a way that empowered me and gave me the hand holding and support I needed to move forward.
Working with you was easy and your brilliance in knowing what I wanted even when I couldn’t quite articulate it was amazing. I love how you took all the parts of our coaching sessions and weaved them together to create the perfect website and branding identity for me. I love your finesse!
As a result of what we created together I have been confident in sharing myself in the world- something I have been reluctant to do until now. And, I have had people reaching out to me that I haven’t heard from in years!
Thank you for giving me exactly what I needed. I am forever grateful for you and your talents.
I would like to add a special note in here to say: anyone thinking about working with Danielle- do it! You will thank yourself for trusting in her to help bring your vision for yourself and your business forward. She is extraordinary. She will connect the dots for you and help you in countless ways.”

Lucy P.

“Working with Danielle is always a pleasure! Having her create my website was amazing! I really loved that she felt into my energy and brand to come up with fun titles for my navigation. These are the cool touches that I don't think I would have come up with on my own. The tough part for me was actually writing the copy, but with her holding space for me, it made me get into gear and get it done...something I may have never done on my own. I also loved her taking the time to teach and walk me through navigating both Mailchimp and Squarespace. The knowledge and feeling like I have autonomy over my website and emails has felt like a life saver for me and my business! And, I feel so professional now! I love giving out my web address and have received wonderful feedback about how great it looks!”

Jennifer P.

“Danielle is a master at not only understanding your brand but understanding how to make it come to life. She walks the line between offering new ideas while still honoring your taste and desires. I came away with a website that beautifully captures who I am- it’s beautiful and functional. If you choose Danielle to create your website- you are in for a real treat!”

Ready to create your Energy Aligned Brand?
